2006-05-11 오전 5:03:58 Hit. 622
로케이션 프리의 성능을 사용하여 psp로 tv를 생해주는 프로그램이 버전업 했습니다.
화질과 자잘한 수정을 했으며 컴퓨터에 TV수신카드가 있어야 가능합니다.
Lok Tai (Andy) Fung has released version 0.2 of his TVSP, a LocaltionFree substitution homebrew. According to the author's message, the new version fixes the PixelWidth issue that you may have been experiencing while watching TV on your PSP. With this new version, you don't have to set PixelWidth to 320 anymore. Fung is also working on more features for his homebrew application, which has created quite a following among QJ readers. Those of you who missed its debut, the TVSP program can receive Wi-Fi signals from DScaler, using a TV Capture/Tuner on your PC.