2006-06-01 오전 1:26:54 Hit. 965
ir shell 이 버전업햇네요 찾아보니 없는거 같아 올립니다.
아래는 원문
File Description Yes ! Ahman has done it again. The latest version of iR Shell has been released, taking it to version 1.4. And this time, there's a lot of new things to look forward to : * User-made Skins support. 이건 스킨 만들수잇는거같구 * Game Save viewer. 애는 세이브뷰어 * Enhanced File Browser. 파일 뷰어인가???? * Supports RunUMD. 런유엠디를 지원하는군요 카~~~ 좋다 * Several Configuration options can be changed now. 헉 길다... * Password Protection of iR Shell. 암호걸게 해주는건가? * New fix which will speed up transfers on Sony Memory sticks (Thanks to AnonymousTipster). Earlier, they lagged quite far behind the Sandisk ones. * New Folder structure to ease up installation.
런 유엠디 지원이 되는군요 >_< 함 해봐야 겠네요 ㅋㅋ
목적은 슈퍼패미컴 이지만 ㅋㅋ