2006-06-25 오전 7:51:20 Hit. 23212
PC용 GBA 에뮬레이터로 유명한 비쥬얼보이 어드벤스가 PSP용으로 나왔습니다. 이번 버전은 첫번째 나온 베타버전으로 기대만큼의 속도는 나오지 않습니다. 현재 PSP에 최적화된 속도를 내기 위해 소스를 수정하고 있다고 합니다. 그러나 이번 버전에서는 에뮬레이터에 꼭 필요한 사운드, 세이브, 캡쳐, 키 맵핑 기능들이 포함되어 있어 완성도가 매우 높습니다.
또한 GTA Eloader를 이용하여 PSP 펌웨어 2.5 버전까지 지원합니다. 1. 소개 ------------
VisualBoyAdvance is an emulator for GameBoy Advance console. See http://vba.ngemu.com/ for further informations.
PSPVBA is a port on PSP of the VisualBoyAdvance v1.7.2.
This software is under GPL Copyright, read COPYING file for more information about it.
2. 설치방법 ------------
Unzip the zip file, and copy the content of the directory fw2.x or fw1.5 (depending of the version of your firmware) on the psp/game directory.
Put your rom image files on "roms" sub-directory.
It has been developped on linux for Firmware 2.5 using the great GTA eloader (0.97) from http://www.fanjita.org/.
3. 조작법 ------------
In the GBA emulator window
PSP GBA Square SELECT Triangle START Cross A Circle B Up Up Down Down Left Left Right Right LTrigger L RTrigger R
A-Pad Disable (but you can toggle with D-pad) Press Start + L + R to exit and return to eloader. Press Select to enter in emulator main menu.
In the main menu
L+R+Start Exit the emulator R Trigger Reset the GBA console
Triangle Go Up directory Cross Valid Circle Valid Square Go Back to the emulator window
4. 롬파일 불러오기 ------------
If you want to load rom image in your emulator, you have to put your rom file (with .zip, .rom, .gba, .mb, .agb or .bin file extension) on your PSP memory stick in the 'roms' directory.
Then, while inside PSPVBA emulator, just press SELECT to enter in the emulator main menu, and then using the file selector choose one rom file to load in your emulator.
Back to the emulator window, the rom should stard automatically.
5. 키맵핑 불러오기 ------------
For given games, the default keyboard mapping between PSP Keys and GBA keys, is not suitable, and the game can't be played on PSPVBA.
To overcome the issue, you can write your own mapping file. Using notepad for example you can edit a file with the .kbd extension and put it in the kbd directory.
For the exact syntax of those mapping files, have a look on sample files already presents in the kbd directory (default.kbd etc ...).
After writting such keyboard mapping file, you can load them using the main menu inside the emulator.
If the keyboard filename is the same as the rom filename (.zip etc ...) then when you load this rom, the corresponding keyboard file is automatically loaded !
You can now use the Keyboard menu and edit, load and save your keyboard mapping files inside the emulator. The Save option save the .kbd file in the kbd directory using the "Game Name" as filename. The game name is displayed on the right corner in the emulator menu.
6. 컴필레이션 ------------
It has been developped under Linux using gcc with PSPSDK. To rebuild the homebrew run the Makefile in the src archive.