2022-03-04 오전 12:16:42 Hit. 7034
설정 -> 시스템 -> HDMI 기기 링크 활성화, HDCP 활성화 체크해제
설정 -> 영상설정 -> 1080p / RGB레인지 전체 / HDR 꺼짐 / Deep Color 꺼짐
설정 -> 첫번째 ★GoldHEN★ 에서 Enable BinLoader server 체크
Linux 1G 선택 -> client for wait 메세지
※ exec install-psxitarch.sh 입력시 [USB 32GB]--> try to find the right usbDevice /dev/sda has the necessary files to install psxitarch linuxSize usb device: 29 GBCopy psxitarch, the bzImage and the initramfs to /backup
※ exec install-psxitarch.sh 입력시
[내장하드]Try to find the right usbmount: mounting /dev/sdk1 on /temp failed: Inualid argumentmount: mounting /dev/sdk1 on /temp failed: No such file or directoryERROR! No valid usb device found! Try remove, reinsert the usb device and run again install-psxitarch.shSe error persist probably your usb device is not formatted correctly or some file are missing or corrupted
rescueshell / # resume-boot
[3월4일자 오류]
Failed to load file: bzImage.
Paths checked:
/user/system/boot/bzImage 라고 뜨네요 ....
bzImage 파일을 각각 다르게 여러개를 구해서 한 개씩 바꿔서 설치해봐도
결과값은 똑같네요 ...
해결방법 없을까요??
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