2011-02-16 오후 11:30:30 Hit. 1598
nashcat님...미국애들 사이트 보다가 resonance of fate (엔드 오브 이터니티) 치트 pkg가 있던데,
그건 돈 맥스 뿐이더군요...어떤 애가 아래 방어력 맥스 코드를 썼던데,,혹시 방어력 맥스 pkg 까지
All credits go to the good guys at cmp, I made a similar post over there too.Atelier Rorona
max moneyOriginal Game Pattern:409D0048913F0000E8010090EBE10078Code Pattern:48000004913F0000E8010090EBE10078max defense (in battle)Original Game Pattern:419D007460000000801F000891DF0004Code Pattern:409D007460000000801F000891DF0004I made pkg but it doesn't work.Here is what I did..Change DG to HG in Param.sfo, that's it. I didn't modify the eboot.elf.I was using Skiller's auto tools to do the rest, including adding cheats.Help please..or better yet, just upload the pkg without the max attack.