2011-02-07 오후 3:25:54 Hit. 1435
Sony will respond to the recent publication online of PlayStation 3’s root keys by shipping new games with a unique serial code.소니가 신작 타이틀에 시리얼 코드를 동봉하여 발매할 것이라고 함Dutch website PS3-Sense says a source has told them that all future PS3 game discs are to carry a unique code, with players forced to -nput it onto the system for the game to launch. The source claims a similar system already exists on Sony’s online service, PlayStation Network.PS3-Sense라는 웹사이트에서 자신들의 정보원이 장래 PS3겜디스크는 고유 코드를 부여받아 게임을 실행하려면 그 코드를 입력해야만한다고함. 정보원은 이미 소니 온라인 서비스인 PSN에서 유사한 시스템을 갖추고 있다 주장The code can reportedly be used up to five times, a move that will not only prevent piracy but will also impact on the increasing trade in pre-owned games, as retailers will have no idea how many times a code has been used when a customer tries to trade the game in. 코드는 5회까지 사용가능하며 이것이 중고게임거래에 영향을 줄것임. 소매점는 고객이 판매하려는 중고타이틀의 코드를 몇번이나사용했는지알수없기땜에 문제Sony have been forced into the move after iPhone hacker GeoHot discovered and published online the PS3’s root keys, enabling developers – and pirates – to sign unauthorised code as genuine Sony software. While the introduction of serial codes would theoretically get round this problem, its success in the long term is another matter entirely; a similar system has been used for PC games for years and has hardly proven secure. Should hackers find a way round it, the only losers would be those who buy legitimate games that they cannot trade in or sell on, encumbered by DRM. PC게임도 이미 유사한 방식으로 불법복제를 방지하려고 하지만 해커들은 어떻게든 이를 뚫을것임.결국장기적으로는 중고게임유저만손해