2010-11-15 오전 11:34:23 Hit. 7067
PS3 3.50 펌웨어가 디크립트(암호해독+파일분해) 되었다는군요.
파일들을 분석해보니 소니가 PSP때부터 사용해오던 zlib 모듈과 psarc 압축모듈을 그대로 사용해서 쉽게 해킹을 할 수 있다고 합니다.
조만간 PSP처럼 낮은 버전의 펌웨어(3.41)에서도 3.50이상의 게임을 할 수 있을거 같습니다.
그란투리스모5 발매일에 맞춰서 펌웨어가 디크립트 되었으니
해커들이 파일을 분석해서 3.50 펌웨어용 게임에 패치를 먹이면 끝입니다.
제 예감으로는 PSP의 프로메테우스 커펌처럼 중국해커들이 패치를 만들 것 같네요.
일단 그란투리스모5가 나와야지 해커들이 달려들텐데...
XorHack v2.0: The Updated PS3 Exploit Toolkit (via) xorloser’s blog
I am able now to decrypt and decompress CORE_OS_PACKAGE.pkg from PS3 PUP-Files. The decrypted and decompressed package is a copy of FLASH region where all the important SELFs and isolated SPUs stored, e.g. lv1.self or isoldr.So, now i could downgrade PS3 by writing this decrypted image to FLASH manually, without Update Manager from HV. In fact, Update Manager just do this :-) But the problem is, that the SHA-1 hash values for these files are stored not in flash but in SC EEPROM and i don’t have access to it yet :-)
I have already decrypted Core OS Packages from 3.15, 3.41 and 3.50 PUP-Files. Also decrypted Revoke List for Packages and Programs which can be also found in PUP-Files. And also SYSCON firmware was decrypted by me.Sony uses zlib to compress Core OS Packages. But not all packages are compressed, e.g. SYSCON firmwares are not compressed, just crypted.Packages are first compressed and then decrypted. So first they have to be decrypted and then decompressed with zlib on Linux e.g.
I have also decrypted profile file DEFAULT.SPP. There are stored e.g. System manager configuration and other things like ACLs.
There is a new isolated SPU module in Firmware 3.50 which is not contained in older firmwares.manu_info_spu_module.self
V3.50 Decryption and Info - Thanks to graf_chokolo!
He should've shared the news somewhere major like here - No matter, he has got world-wide fame now!Over the last few months he has been posting some very useful comments on little not so well known, but very informative blog run by XorLoser.Graf_chokolo has been studying the main hypervisor dumps made possible from the Geohot exploit for a while now, but starting again on Nov. 11th, 2010 he has made some new great comments that looks like he was figured out a way to decrypt the packed contents of the Sony Firmware PUP update files.
all his posts from the comments the only thing i know is truth is that zlib part since we all know sony loves its zlib and psarc files.past that the core os snippet is anyones guess