First, you must register an account with XLink at
http://www.teamxlink.co.uk/signup.php. You don’t have to fill out all
details, only * are important.
위 사이트에서 계정을 생성한다, 모든 내용을 입력할 필요없이 * 표만 된곳 입력
2. Then, download XLink Kai which is in http://www.teamxlink.co.uk/downloads.php/ and simply run the installer.
Xlink Kai 를 다운로드
3. Here comes the difficult part, which is forwarding your port. It
is quite different depending on the type of your router. By default,
its usually goes at You must login and go into the port
forwarding section. See how to port forward your router below:
공유기나 모뎀셋팅에서 포트 포워딩을 한다. 위 사이트 내용 참조
4. Just set protocol to “both” (UDP & TCP) and the port from 30000 to 34522 then save and apply.
프로토콜 (UDT & TCP)를 셋하고 포트는 30000 에서 34522 로 저장하기.
5. Now run the Xlink Kai Evolution VII program, if your are running
Windows 7 right click -> properties -> run in Windows Xp SP2 and
check run as administrator. (Click allow if there is any prompt window
about firewall)
이제 Xlink Kai 프로그램을 실행하고 만약 윈도우7을 사용하고 있으면 실행전 오른쪽 마우스를 눌러 속성에서 윈도우 XP2 호환모드를 체크하고 실행관리자모드로 실행.
6. This time, it should open up a configuration page. Simply entering your
and password from the XLink account you have created before, also check
application GUI if it is set into the web GUI. This is optional as it
will have an easier navigation.
자 이제 컨피그 모드가 보일텐데요 그러면 계정시 등록했던 아이디와 패스워드를 입력하세요
7. Click the green arrow to login (If your not already l
ogged into
XLink), power on your Jailbroken PS3 console and you should get a DNS
Error on startup. You don’t have to worry about this as it is normal.
초록색 화살표 버튼을 클릭하여 로그인을 하고 플삼을 제일브레이크 상태로 키시면 DNS 에러 표시가 납니다.
정상적인 기동이니 걱정마시길..
8. Finally, click on the magnify glass with the folder icon below
the “?”. If it says “PS2/PS3 is configured successfully” , I must
congratulate you as you are now connected to XLink and can host LAN
마지막으로 유리 글라스 스타일의 물음표 아이콘 밑에 위치해있습니다. 만약 PS2/P3 가 정상적으로 컨피크 되었다고 나온다면 Xlink 를 통해 정상적으로 랜 호스트 파티를 연결할수 있습니다.
다음은 지원 가능한 게임들입니다.
Supported PS3 Games For This Method:
• Borderlands
Call of Duty 4
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
• Call of Duty W@W
• Condemned 2
• F.E.A.R
• Haze
• OFP Dragon Rising
• Rainbow Six Vegas
• The Darkness
• TimeShift
• Unreal Tournament 3
• Armored Core 4
• Blazing Angels 2
• Blur
• DiRT
• DiRT 2
• F1 2010
• Formula 1 Championship
• H.A.W.X 2
• Dark Sector
• Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
• Kane & Lynch Dead Man
• Red Dead Redemption
• Red Fraction Guerrilla
• Saints Row 2
• Warhawk
Read more: http://www.ps3news.com/PS3-Hacks/guide-how-to-play-online-using-a-jailbroken-ps3-with-xlink-kai/#ixzz13Jnnc6fC