2010-10-11 오후 7:07:38 Hit. 3469
초기모델 USB4포트 플스3 모델에서만 구동이 가능하다고 들었는데
제가 USB4포트 달린 플스3 유저인데 도전 해보고 싶지만 저의 짧은 영어 실력으로는
해석이 불가능 하네요; ㅎㅎ 구글 번역해봐도 앞뒤가 안맞아서 이해가 안된다는;;
혹시 밑에있는 영어문구 해석 좀 해주실분 계신가요???
한번 해보고 성공하면 리뷰 해보이겠습니다. ㅎㅎ
Today, I share with everyone what I call nXMB, it allows you to patch Dev_Flash for PS1 games and PS2 games if your PS3 is backwards-compatible (has 4 USB ports) in PS3 JailBreak Mode!What is nXMB?nXMB is a tool that patches your dev_flash to play PS1 Games (PS2 games also work if you have a bc-console) in JB Mode.How to use nXMB? And What are its requirements?Requirements:• PS3 that is JailBroken• DEV_FLASH from your PS3• JaiCraB's Firm Loader v0.3Step 1: Connect via FTP and get your dev_flashStep 2: Move your dev_flash and the nXMB into a new folder (NOT THE CONTENTS, BUT THE DEV_FLASH ITSELF).Step 3: Open nXMB and let it patch your dev_flashStep 4: Copy the contents of that dev_flash to your USB Flash DiskStep 5: Launch USB Firm LoaderThe PS3 will mount your USB flash disk as dev_flashYou will NOT see "Install Package Files" but instead of that you will be able to boot PS1/PS2 games and you will have access to your memory cards!If you wish to view my old thread that led to this app it is located HERE. Currently trying to make 'Install Package Files' also appear in nXMB!Have Fun!plase check my chanel