2010-09-26 오후 1:43:46 Hit. 7078
음.. 드디어 ps3 break 도 새로운 펌웨어 버젼이 나오네요 1.1
하지만 기다렸던 3.42 에 관련된 소식은 없군요 ㅠㅠ
1、Upgradeable hardware firmware thoroughly!2、The key “Upgrade” for software upgrading and avoids to be blocked by SONY. Users can also upgrade the updated software through computer. 3、Reading speed will be 2 times faster and it makes users to play more smoothly.4、Games can be copied and saved to internal or external hard disk, in this way, the expensive blue-ray driver and disc can be abandoned. 5、Plug & play USB port, the installation will be finished in a few seconds. 6、Homebrew software is supported.7、Simple and clear illustrations will guide you to install step by step.8、PS3 Break is compatible with all fat and slim model.