2010-08-26 오후 7:57:26 Hit. 3948
Spain인의 유명한 해커의 서버가 해킹 당했다는군요.. ㅎㅎ 서버에는 PS3 서비스 메뉴얼이랑 SDK 프로그램등
파급효과가 큰 문서 및 프로그램들이 있었답니다. 곧 로더 세상이 펼쳐지겠군요
소니는 어떻게 대응할런지..
These must be the worst few days over at Sony. According to
reports, a well known Spanish hacker Demonhades had his blog hacked yesterday (about 3 times), and his SQL publicly leaked. The hackers managed to wipe out his entire FTP, forcing his site to be temporarily shutdown (still closed as of now).
The leaked SQL however contained illegally obtained information for the PS3, such as service manuals, various of other document and information, and programs/SDKs - all now spreading over the internet like a wild fire.
The leak may further hurt Sony as hackers begin to get their hands on this illegal data and may open up more doors for the PS3, especially with PSJailbreak just around the corner.
Files that were leaked:
We liked to remind our community that these files are considered illegal, so do NOT ask for them on these forums, do NOT ask for them via private messages. The issue will be treated like warez, and appropriate action will be taken against violators.