2008-04-23 오전 7:24:46 Hit. 391
공지: 모든 정보들은 본인이 직접 작성하거나 번역해서 올리십시오. 그리고, 중복자료나 옛날코드(PS1 등 2006년 이전자료)를 올리실 경우 신고나 강등을 당하게 되니 주의하시길 바랍니다.
(PS2)겟어웨이 북미판 (코드브레이커 )
1E 마스터 코드 FA7A006E 32A16FC9
1 AI 바보화. 2A77372B 00000000
2 무한 총탄 2A0B35AE 00000000
3 적 총 쓰지 못함 2A5B3593 03E00008 2A473593 00000000
4 리로드 절대 불가 2A833A26 00000000 2AFB3A26 00000000
5 무적 2AFF3439 3C0140C0 2AEF3439 AE010360
6 총 탄 공격을 받지 않음 2A2B3A50 03E00008 2A173A50 00000000
7 Unlock Extra Features 2AB31BF4 00000002
8 Drive Thru Cars 2A9B2E7A 00000000
9 Drive Thru Telephone Polls/Stop Lights/Lamp Posts 2AA72DD5 00000000
10 벽 통과 1AD4C9F6 00001000 1AD4C9CD 00001000
11 Drive Thru Walls 1AECCAC5 00001000 12 Walk & Drive Thru Walls 0A072C6D 00000000 13 Load Game To Access All Levels 1AEB25A2 00000018 14 Civilians Turn Into Cops On Foot 0AD7187F 00000002 15 Civilians Turn Into Cops In Cars 0AD7187F 00000003 16 Civilians Turn Into Nurses 0AD7187F 00000004 17 Civilians Turn Into Pure Generics 0AD7187F 00000005 18 Cops On Foot Turn Into Civilians 0A47187E 00000001 19 Cops On Foot Turn Into Cops In Cars 0A47187E 00000003 20 경찰 걸음걸이가 간호사로 변화 0A47187E 00000004 21 경찰 걸음걸이가 Pure Generics로 변화 0A47187E 00000005 22 차안의 경찰이 민간인 으로 변화 0A13187F 00000001 23 Cops In Cars Turn Into Cops On Foot 0A13187F 00000002 24 Cops In Cars Turn Into Nurses 0A13187F 00000004 25 Cops In Cars Turn Into Pure Generics 0A13187F 00000005 26 Nurses Turn Into Civilians 0AF7187F 00000001 27 Nurses Turn Into Cops On Foot 0AF7187F 00000002 28 Nurses Turn Into Cops In Cars 0AF7187F 00000003 29 Nurses Turn Into Pure Generics 0AF7187F 00000005 30 Pure Generics Turn Into Civilians 0A37187E 00000001 31 Pure Generics Turn Into Cops On Foot 0A37187E 00000002 32 Pure Generics Turn Into Cops In Cars 0A37187E 00000003 33 Pure Generics Turn Into Nurses 0A37187E 00000004 34 Load Game For Level Modifier 1A4525B7 000000?? 35 Faster Characters 2AC315DE 42000000 36 Ultra Fast Characters 2AC315DE 41C00000 37 Hella Ultra Fast Characters 2AC315DE 42C80000 38 Super Slow Characters 2AC315DE 3F000000
키릭터 모션 조정 코드
39 캐릭터 움직임이 빨라지게 조정[Note 1] DAE62A4B B2CE7207 2AC315DE 42000000 DAE62A4B B2CE7107 2AC315DE 42700000 40 캐릭터 움직임이 초스피드로 조정[Note 2] DAE62A4B B2CE7E07 2AC315DE 41C00000 DAE62A4B B2CE7007 2AC315DE 42700000 41 캐릭터 움직임 초스피드로 조정[Note 3] DAE62A4B B2CE7677 2AC315DE 41400000 DAE62A4B B2CE7647 2AC315DE 42700000 42 캐릭터 움직임 아주 느리게 조정[Note 4] DAE62A4B B2CE7187 2AC315DE 42C80000 DAE62A4B B2CE7667 2AC315DE 42700000
Load Game용 레벨 변경 코드 01 - The Frightener 02 - Burning Bridges 03 - Art Appreciation 04 - Aiding And Abetting 05 - Taxi For Mr Chai? 06 - Out Of The Frying Pan 07 - Filthy Business 08 - A Touch Of Class 09 - The Cowgirl And The Cash 0A - A Cat In A Bag 0B - The Prodigal Son 0C - Aboard The Sol Vita 0D - The Bargain Basement 0E - Show Some Remorse 0F - Disturbance In Soho 10 - Painting The Town Red 11 - Escort Duty 12 - The Vigilante 13 - Stalking Mccormack 14 - Do The World A Favour 15 - The Jolson Files 16 - Meet Mark Hammond 17 - Showdown With Jake 18 - Land Of Hope And Glory
Note 1: L1+셀렉트 누르면 ON, L2+셀렉트 누르면 OFF Note 2: Press R1+셀렉트 누르면 ON, and Press R2+셀렉트 누르면 OFF. Note 3: 위+셀렉트 누르면 ON, 아래+셀렉트 누르면 OFF. Note 4: 왼쪽+셀렉트 누르면 ON, 오른쪽+셀렉트 누르면 OFF.