2004-03-16 오후 4:15:21 Hit. 380
액플닷컴에서 퍼왔는데 누가 정발판용으로 개조해달라고 하는데요...
아마도 코드브레이커용인것 같아요....
M) 0E3C7DF2 1853E59E EEADE8A2 BCDAA9B2 Unlock Extra Features FEA5A856 BCA99B85 Infinite Ammo DE841372 E0AB9B93 Bullet Proof DE842106 BF899B8B DE842102 BCA99B83 Drive Through Lampost DEAF8C7A BCA99B83 Drive Through Cars DE902FC6 BCA99B83 Use only 1 of these 3 codes Maniac Runners DE8DBCA2 F8AADC83 DE8DBC9A F8AADC83 Select+up for Megaspeed Select+down to stop 0EA111B8 BCA99A71 DEA79546 FD299B83 0EA111B8 BCA99A41 DEA79546 FE199B83 Select+up for Hypermode Select+down to stop 0EA111B8 BCA99A71 DEA79546 FDA99B83 0EA111B8 BCA99A41 DEA79546 FE199B83 Use only 1 of these load your save for 2-Burning Bridge FEA5A852 BCA99B85 3-Art Appreciation FEA5A852 BCA99B86 4-Aiding and Abetting FEA5A852 BCA99B87 5-Taxi for Mr Chai FEA5A852 BCA99B88 6-Out of the Frying Pan FEA5A852 BCA99B89 7-Filthy Business FEA5A852 BCA99B8A 8-A touch of Class FEA5A852 BCA99B8B 9-The Cowgirl and the Cash FEA5A852 BCA99B8C 10-A Cat in a Bag FEA5A852 BCA99B8D 11-The Prodigal son FEA5A852 BCA99B8E 12-Abroad the Sol Vita FEA5A852 BCA99B8F 13-The Bargain Basement FEA5A852 BCA99B90 14-Show Some Remorse FEA5A852 BCA99B91 15-Disturbance in Soho FEA5A852 BCA99B92 16-Painting the Town Red FEA5A852 BCA99B93 17-Escort Duty FEA5A852 BCA99B94 18-The Vigilante FEA5A852 BCA99B95 19-Stalking Mc Cormack FEA5A852 BCA99B96 20-Do the World a Favor FEA5A852 BCA99B97 21-The Jolson Files FEA5A852 BCA99B98 22-Meet Mark Hammond FEA5A852 BCA99B99 23-Showdown with Jake FEA5A852 BCA99B9A 24-Land of Hope and Glory FEA5A852 BCA99B9B