안녕하세요. 다크아이리스 입니다.
ps3의 SELF/SPRX 파일을 DECRYPT 할수 있는 유틸이 릴리즈 되었습니다.
혹시라도 필요한분이 계실까봐 자료실에 업로드 합니다.
<<업데이트 내용>>
V0.6B - Second BETA Release
- More stability (no hangs anymore)
- Much more files can now be decrypted
Install the .PKG provided in the archive
- Put the file you want to decrypt into :
- Launch the decrypter
- Get the decrypted files from :
The current version decrypts only one file per launch
Make sure to have only one SELF/SPRX file in /SOURCE/ directory
This decrypter does not use the grafchokolo's payload nor HV syscalls
Greetings fly out to (no order):
- Rupan (nice works dude !)
- LBDT69 (we should use your works soon)
- Grafchokolo (thanx for all your answers !)
- PS3mrenigma (always nice to chat with you)
- Team Blackb0x