PS3 미디어서버 1.40 베타2 버젼이 릴리즈 되었습니다.
PC에 있는 동영상을 PS3의 무선랜을 이용하여 TV로 출력할수 있는 기능을 합니다.
USB나 하드에 따로 동영상을 넣지 않아도 간편하게 TV에서 시청할수 있습니다.
<<업데이트 내용>>
Updated OS X MPlayer to enable external VOBsub, ASS/SSA and Fribidi support
Allow update checks to be performed manually (Windows only)
Allow automatic update checks to be enabled (Windows only)
Simplify PMS customization for packagers of custom builds
Logging fix for headless configurations
Added experimental support for iPad / iPhone
Fixed DVD ISO playback on OS X (thanks, jjmojojjmojo!)
Added support for the AirPlayer app
Added support for Samsung TV model SEC_HHP_TV (thanks, coax-!)
Added Aperture support on OS X (thanks, coax-!)
Added thumbnail support for images (some code from
The cache is now reset after each up- or downgrade (for versions higher than 1.40.0)
Files with the extension *.vdr are now being recognized as MPG videos