2011-03-24 오후 5:51:23 Hit. 3449
현재 Tomb Raider Trilogy가 외장 하드 에서 SELECT+X로만 구동되는 Patch만 있는 줄 알았는데,오늘 찾아보니 내장하드 Fix가 있네요. 한 가지 흠이라면 UnderWorld가 구동되지 않는다고 하네요.그래도 Anniversary와 Legend를 하다보면, Under World 패치도 나오지 않을까 싶네요.일단 급하신데로...아래는 원문입니다.Facts:-Tomb Raider Anniversary works well from internal HDD-Tomb Raider Legend works well from internal HDD-Tomb Raider Underworld doesn't work from internal HDD (or I just can't get it to work :P )-"Exit to Launcher" option in TRA/TRL doesn't work (kicks back to XMB)For lazy people:1. Download PKG: http://www.multiupload.com/CX54M1W2I12. Copy content of PS3_GAME directory (Tomb Raider Trilogy Disc) to dev_hdd0/z/RAIDER (Except EBOOT.BIN, TR8 directory, almost all *.bik/*.sch files - keep ONLY CREDITS.BIK)3. Install Tomb Raider Anniversary.pkg and Tomb Raider Legend.pkg packages4. Copy TROPDIR from PS3_GAME from TR Trilogy disc to dev_hdd0/game/BLES00TRL and dev_hdd0/game/BLES01195DO NOT UPDATE THE GAME IF PROMPTS!Tested on Tomb Raider Trilogy EUROPEAN version [BLES-01195].