2011-02-03 오후 7:09:13 Hit. 1677
Rogero Manager v8.0이 릴리즈 되었습니다.
이전의 LV2패치 대신에 multiman과 마찬가지로 syscall36을 쓰게 바꾸었다고 합니다.
첨부가 안받아지는 것 같으니 링크로 받으세요
ChangeLog: 02/02/2011-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8.0.0 - This version is Compatible with OFW3.41+Dongle/Hermes CFW3.41/CFW3.55/Kmeaw/Waninkoko.8.0.0 - Changed from using LV2_patcher/PL3 to Dean's implementation of Syscall36.8.0.0 - The Manager can be started with Disc In + USB inserted without any problems.8.0.0 - Updated the Payload Auto-Detection to support all types of Payloads/CFWs.8.0.0 - Fixed the FTP Server, FTP always on by default, login as "anonymous".8.0.0 - Added Auto-Fix Permissions on Game Load, can be Enabled/Disabled from Settings Menu.8.0.0 - Fixed the scrolling lag on D-pad Up/Down, now scrolling with any button is fluid.8.0.0 - "Protected Mode" now can be Enabled/Disabled by pressing [L2+R2+R3] from the Menu.8.0.0 - Added the option to Enable/Disable the Clean History function from Settings Menu.8.0.0 - Optimized the Fix-Permissions function,now it outputs the path of the folder being fixed.8.0.0 - Added Full Auto-Detection of the Games folder at initial Setup or from Settings Menu.8.0.0 - The Games folder will be moved automatically to a safer path if found necessary.8.0.0 - Fixed the Copy function to prevent the Abort-Copy error that was encountered by some users.8.0.0 - Added A Screensaver after 3 minutes of inactivity,can be Enabled/Disabled from Settings.8.0.0 - Simplified the Initial Setup wizard,select [Yes] on all steps for default settings.