스플래터 하우스 (Splatter House) EBOOT.BIN 구동패치입니다. (URL 링크에서 다운로드)
유럽판과 북미판 전부 됩니다.
Platinum Difficulty: 5/10
Players: 1
Online Trophies: NONE
Estimated Time to Platinum: 20-30 hours (Based on two playthroughs and time spent on the 6 Survival Arenas)
Minimum Playthroughs: 2 Main Story Playthroughs and 6 Survival Arenas
Collectible Trophies: 2 (Happy Ending? and Audiophile)
Missable Trophies: None. You can farm the kills trophies in the Survival Arenas and also replay levels to find any missing collectables.
Glitches Trophies: NONE