2010-11-30 오후 12:34:41 Hit. 11819
PS3용 PS1 에뮬레이터인 PS3SX Beta1 버전이 릴리즈 되었습니다.
플스3에서 즐길 수 있는 플레이스테이션1 에뮬레이터입니다.
[PS3SX: PSX Emulator 특징]
- 2인용 지원 - *.iso *.bin *.mds *.img 이미지 포맷 지원 - PS1 홈브류 *.psx, *.exe 파일 지원 - 메모리카드 세이브 지원 - CDDA, XA 오디오 사운드 지원 - 풀스크린 지원 - 풀스피드 지원
[플스1 에뮬레이터 사용방법]
- 첨부파일을 받고 압축을 푼다음 PKG 파일을 플스3에 설치합니다.
- 외장하드 또는 USB 메모리 루트에 bios, MC, psxrom 폴더를 만듭니다.
- bios 폴더에는 PSX 에뮬레이터의 바이오스를 구해서 넣어 줍니다. (EPSXE 에뮬 참고)
- psxrom 폴더에는 PS1의 이미지 파일을 넣습니다.
PS3SX - PSX emulator released.
An anonymous source has contacted us with some exciting, exclusive news. He has released a PSX emulator for PS3, entitled PS3SX. The emu is a port of PCSX to the PS3. It runs at full speed, full screen, and supports CDDA and XA audio. This pre-release also features 2 player support, saving, and iso formats *.iso *.bin *.mds *.img.
Currently the source code has not been released, but it will be once the emu is completely ported using just the PSL1GHT SDK. PS3SX will run on all retail 3.41 units (fat and slim). Currently it is untested on older firmwares and does not work on debug units (PS3 Test units).Instructions: Install PKG file on PS3. Either use the folders from the rar file, or make "bios" "MC" and "psxrom" folders in the root of a USB drive. Download PSX bios file below, and place it in "bios" folder. Place legally owned PSX backup ISO's in the "psxrom" folder. Run emulator and play!Please note there is currently a bug with this pre-release. You can only quit the emulator when running a game. If you attempt to exit to XMB at the rom menu, the emulator will freeze.PSX BIOS File: :Removed. Find it on the PSGroove site:PS3SX PSX Emulator Pre-Release: http://filebin.ca/krcayt/PS3SX-pre-release.rarMirror: PS3SX-pre-release (via) MultiuploadPRE - RELEASE PS3SX 29/11/2010PS3SX PCSX port on PS3 using PS3 SDK and psl1ght it's a hybrid for the pre-release. No source code will be available only when i completely port the emulator to psl1ght. Before xmas i will update it with a new GUI, save state, and cheat code. This emulator can only work on 3.41 retail not tried yet on older version.Support in this pre-release version:* 2 Players * All iso formats *.iso *.bin *.mds *.img* psx homebrew *.psx and *.exe* Save works for player 1 & 2* Sound support CDDA and XA* Full screen* Full Speed
I'm using PCSX-DF core with the ppc dynarec the dyanrec work already on this version of ps3sx with libkammy god bless AerialX for the libkammy and i'm using the cellframework for sound only. My thanks go to AerialX , drk||Raziel , pcsx Team and pcsx-df team for the original source code , psxgroovy at PSXGROOVY.COM - It's Groovy Baby! for the dongle sample PEOPS for this good plugin and Mathieulh. All plugins come from PEOPSWith luv Anonymous