2006-06-28 오후 5:41:29 Hit. 1257
0.8b가 R2a로 업데이트 되었습니다만...
언어 추가가 패치 내용이니 필요없는 패치라 판단됩니다.. 그래서 안올리려 했으나 그냥.. 올려봅니다.
필요하신분 잘 사용하시길 바라나...
적어도 한국사람이라면..프랑스어 같은것으로 세팅해서 쓰실 분은 없을것 같군요..
Update 0.8b R2a: added Danish translation for the gui thanks to MoTTaFuKKa. completed some of the other French translations done by Kyrax. yes, all the message texts are still in English. as soon as i get together a managable text list of these, i'll post a list if you guys want to translate them. Update 0.8b R2: added French/English translation for the gui thanks to Kyrax. (mostly complete) Update 0.8b: rebuilt using code of v0.8b. (read official text files for changes) (thanks Zer0-X / CrazyC) added a slider for the DMA Selector Delay Speed setting. (it's set to 2 as default) Update 0.8a R2: fixed some minor gui oversight (app name version) added ability to custom select your own dma.ini file. (note: this can be any .ini file. so you could have 'mydma.ini' or whatever. if no custom file is found then it will search for 'dma.ini' in the patcher's directory. if you're happy with the defaults, just tick the item and forget about selecting a file or anything else. this was only added for people who want more flexibility and like to tinker.) v0.8a: what can i say except thanks a million to Zer0-X, CrazyC, and all the others who have done the hard work of not only finding and coding these patches, but also for sharing these findings with the ps2 community! took out a few custom crazyc patches since they're incorporated into the main 0.8a patch. left in (just in case someone still wants to use them) some old (U/M)DMA patching options as well as the ToxicOS v0.2 Core patch i thought i had mentioned this, but apparently i hadn't. i wanna give props to <G> for the idea of including a patcher for an original unpacked, retail, HDL ELF. THE "APPLY PATCHES TO ORIGINAL HDL" OPTION WILL ONLY WORK ON THE ORIGINAL RETAIL HDL v1.0 DUMP THAT'S FLOATING AROUND. DO NOT TRY TO USE IT WITH HDAVANCE OR ANY OTHER RETAIL HACKS OF THE ORIGINAL BECAUSE THEY WILL NOT WORK! THIS WILL NOT WORK ON THE SLUS FILE FOUND ON YOUR ORIGINAL DISC!
아.. 로더의 요청 같은것은 받지 않습니다.. 쪽지 주시는 분들이 몇몇 분 있더군요.. 참고로 이 사이트에서 로더의 요청, 로더 자체를 업로드 하는 것은 자제하시는게 좋을 겁니다..