Update (16-MAR-2006)
- Updated code for "Dolby Digital" output, so, any valid ac3 streams should be
playable now (formerly only 5 channel streams were supported)(thanks to
"lolo123" and "rathunter" for sample video clips);
- Added "play all mp3 files in the folder" functionality. It is activated by
"circle" pad button while the folder is selected in the browser. Files are
played in alphabethical order;
- USBD.IRX (free one, from ps2dev) is now integrated into SMS. No need for
"external" usb driver anymore (thanks to "dlanor" for the suggestion);
- fixed "double speed ac3 sound" issue (thanks to "shiro" for the sample video clip);
Lv.7 / 하사 . 유아독존 (ljs3935)
포 인 트 : 2683 P
가 입 일 : 2005-12-17 오후 8:09:13
최종접속일 : 2016-08-28 오후 3:40:46