2010-12-08 오전 11:10:41 Hit. 27605
PS3 다운그레이드 3.50/3.42 → 3.41 PSGrade 릴리즈
PS3 모드칩 판매업체인 PS3Key 팀이 모든 AT90USB162 동글칩에서 작동하는 PS3 다운그레이드 HEX 파일을 공개하였습니다.
이제 10만원이 넘는 PSJailbreak 모드칩이 없어도 저렴한 비용으로 플스3 3.50, 3.42 버전을 3.41 버전으로 다운그레이드를 할 수 있습니다.
또한 PS3 해커인 Kakaroto (카카로토)가 PS3 Master Key (PS3마스터키)를 발견하여 해커들에게 배포중입니다.
마스터키가 있으면 플스3의 부팅 파일인 EBOOT.PBP 파일을 디크립트하여 3.30버전으로 다시 인크립트하는 것이 가능합니다.
즉 3.41 버전의 플스3에서도 3.50 전용 게임인 그란투리스모5, 테일즈 오브 그레이스F 등 신작 게임들을 즐길 수 있습니다.
KaKaRoTo Reverses PS3 Jig Master Key - Added to PSFreedom
Kakaroto, author of PL3 payloads and PSFreedom, has successfully reversed the Jig master key, from the recently released PS3Yes Downgrade Hex. He has added the key to his PSFreedom project, for all to use.
PS3 2505A 160GB 정발판 3.50 -> 3.41 팩토리/서비스모드
PS3 2505A 160GB 정발판 3.50 -> 3.41 다운그레이드 화면
PS3Yes Release Free PSGRADE Downgrade Hex - Works on All AT90usb162 Boards
PS Downgrade (or PSGrade) compiled for various USB development boards.
- at90usbkey at90usb1287 8mhz
- ps3yes at90usb162 16mhz - ps3yespro at90usb162 8mhz- teensy++1.0 at90usb646 16mhz - teensy++2.0 at90usb1286 16mhz
Download Downgrade PS3Yes Pro Hex: http://www.multiupload.com/S57IV0R9QF
Download Downgrade Teensy ++ 1.0 Hex: http://www.multiupload.com/O3P0IJKF1D
Download Downgrade Teensy ++ 2.0 Hex: http://www.multiupload.com/EAJPJMHZIH
Download Downgrade Hex AT901287 Hex: http://www.multiupload.com/J6R014013D
Part 1 : How to update PS3YES-Pro's firmware PS3 다운그레이드 방법
Step 1. Connect PS3YES-Pro to your PC's USB portStep 2. About 6 seconds later , PS3YES-Pro's 8MB USB storage will be install on you PC.Step 3. Right-click on the USB driver's root path, and create a new text file and renamed it to 'enterduf'.Step 4. Eject the USB driver to PS3YES-Pro, remove it from PC and re-plug it to your PC's USB port.(The following steps also used on PS3YES! and PS3YES-Pro too)Step 5. About 30 seconds later , the LED on PS3YES-Pro will switch off, you should install the ATMEL DFU driver to run the FLIP tool. You can jump to Step 8 if it was istealled aleady.Step 6. Install drivers to "AT90USB162" device, you should download and install FLIP tool from ATMEL.Step 7. You can found drivers to "AT90USB162" in the path of FLIP was installed, for example : "C:\Program Files\Atmel\Flip 3.4.2\usb". Step 8. Download the correct firmware's hex file. Make sure it was storage in a full English path and without space. for example "c:\". Step 9. Run the FLIP tool. Make sure at the first use the "Load Hex File..." menu under "File" menu to load the new firmware hex file.
Step 10. Click the USB icon on FLIP and select "USB" , or press CTRL-U , and click "open" button in the following dialoag.Step 11. Click "Run" button start update PS3YES-Pro's firmware. it will display like this :
if done. (The fimware was updated now, the following step just fit to PS3YES-Pro, for stop enter DFU mode next time.)
Step 12. Remove PS3YES-Pro from PC and plugin it again.Step 13. Delete the file "enterdfu" from the USB drivers's root path in 30 seconds.Part 2 : How to use PS3YES-Pro downgrade the console's firmware from 3.50
Prepare: Download the downgrade files, an USB driver large to storage the upgrade files.Step 1: Please update your PS3YES-Pro with downgrade firware as Part 1.Step 2: Plug the "downgrade" PS3YES-Pro to the right port (close the Blue-Ray Driver), Power down the connsole and cut of the power. Re-connect power to the console, Press power on button , press the "EJECT" button in 200ms atfter power on button was pressed. Untill finished your downgrade , you don't need cut off the power angin. Step 3: The screen to the console will flash servral time and auto-turn-off, you can remove the PS3YES-Pro now (You console now ready to enter "Factory Mode" now)Step 4: Prepare an USB driver and formate it as FAT32 file system, copy two files to the USB driver: Lv2diag.self and PS3UPDAT.PUP, and place them under the root path. the the named "Lv2diag.self" should copy from the "Lv2diag.self FILE 1" folder.Step 5: Plug the USB driver to the right USB port to the console, and remove any other USB driver from your console, press power on button to boot.Step 6: Wait untill the console turn off again. Remove the USB driver from your console , and delete all the files, copy the "Lv2diag.self" from "Lv2diag.self FILE 2" folder to the USB driver's root path. Step 7: Plug the USB driver to the right USB port to the console, and press power on button , It will leave "Factory Mode" now.Last Step: After finished downgrade the console , you can update PS3YES-Pro back.
PS3 다운그레이드, PS3 다운그레이더, PSGrade, PS3 3.50, PS3 3.42, PS3 3.41, PS3 디버그툴, 플스3 팩토리/서비스모드, PSN, 플스3 다운그레이드, 플스3 모드칩, PS3 모드칩, 제일브레이크, PS3 Jailbreak, PS3 탈옥, 플스3 탈옥, 파이널판타지아, finalfantasia.com, PSUpgrader v1.3, PS3 Downgrader, PS3 3.50 3.41 Downgrader, Debug tool, Factory/Service Mode, 플스3 디버그 펌웨어 2.15, PS3 Debug Firmware v2.15, PS3 CFW, PS3 커펌, PS3 Custom Firmware 3.50, PS3 디버그 모드, 플스3 디버그툴, 소니 플레이스테이션3, SONY Playstation3, 플스2 에뮬레이터, PS2 Emulator, PSP 에뮬레이터, PSX Emulator, AT90USB162 Dongle USB Modechip,PS3 3.55, 3.60 Downgrader, PSGrade hex, PS그레이드 헥스파일, USB HEX파일