2011-01-10 오후 2:33:03 Hit. 29954
PS3 커펌 3.55 전용 홈브류 프로그램입니다.
자료들은 아래 링크에서 다운로드 받으세요.
* 커펌 3.55 전용 홈브류: BlackB0x FTP Server-PS3 CFW3.55* 커펌 3.55 전용 홈브류: Awesome File Manager-PS3 CFW3.55
* 커펌 3.55 전용 홈브류: Mednafen Emulator-PS3 CFW3.55* 커펌 3.55 전용 홈브류: Multiman-PS3 CFW3.55* 커펌 3.55 전용 홈브류: FCeu NES Emu-PS3 CFW3.55* 커펌 3.55 전용 홈브류: Comgenie File Manager-PS3 CFW3.55
The first signed homebrew packages are popping up on the interwebs. These packages are working on Geohot’s 3.55 Jailbroken firmware. It is now possible to be on the latest firmware, use PSN, and use all your favorite homebrew programs! This is only a few hours after Geohot released his tools for signing your own homebrew packages.
For now the most programs that have been made for 3.41 and is NOT a backup manager seem to work flawlessly on Geohot’s CFW 3.55.
Geohot CFW 3.55 대응: SNES9x for CFW 3.55-JBGeohot CFW 3.55 대응: Awesome File Manager for CFW 3.55-JBGeohot CFW 3.55 대응: multiMAN for CFW 3.55-JBGeohot CFW 3.55 대응: PS3 FTP Server for CFW 3.55-JB
PS3 CFW 3.55, PS3 커펌 3.55, PS3 탈옥, PS3 모드칩, PS3 다운그레이드, PS3 커펌 3.41, PS3 CFW 3.15, 플스3 탈옥, 플스3 다운그레이드, 플스3 모드칩, 플스3 커스텀펌웨어, PS3 3.50 다운그레이드, PS3 Jailbreak, PS3 Factory Service Mode, 파이널판타지아, finalfantasia.com, finalfantasia.net