2011-03-31 오후 5:07:24 Hit. 19580
PS3 해커 Kmeaw PS3 3.55 - PS3 3.60 듀얼커펌 개발중!!!PS3 커펌 개발자인 Kmeaw 님이 정펌과 커펌을 동시에 사용할 수 있는 듀얼부팅 모드가 탑재된 PS3 Kmeaw 3.55-3.60 Dual Boot CFW (PS3 3.60-3.55 듀얼커펌)을 개발하고 있다고 합니다.
Kmeaw 님은 PS3 Kmeaw 3.55 커펌을 출시한 후 한 동안 잠수를 타고 있었는데, 오늘 채팅을 통해서 graf_chokolo 가 개발 중인 듀얼커펌을 자신도 개발하고 있다고 밝혔습니다.
듀얼커펌의 원리는 BootOs Installer 프로그램을 이용하여 PS3를 부팅할 때 정펌(OFW)과 커펌(CFW)을 선택할 수 있는 것입니다.
이미 OtherOS 기능을 통해 PS3에 리눅스를 설치해 본 유저들은 듀얼부팅이 어떤식으로 되는지 알 겁니다.(듀얼커펌의 가능성 때문에 소니가 3.41 펌웨어부터 OtherOS 기능을 막은 것일 수도...)
듀얼커펌을 사용하면 정펌과 커펌을 왔다갔다 할 수 있기 때문에 현재 3.60 버전에서만 사용할 수 있는 온라인 플레이 (정품사용시)와 PSN 접속이 가능합니다.
듀얼커펌이 언제 공개가 될지 알려지진 않았지만 앞으로 기대가 됩니다.
Kmeaw CFW that Allows Dual Boot of CFW and OFW Coming Soon
It seems graf_chokolo isn't the only one thinking about releasing dual boot custom firmware. Kmeaw, known for his popular custom firmwares and lv2 patcher, is planning his very own dual boot CFW. His idea is to have a custom firmware that allows you to switch between official and hacked/modded CFW. Many users have been waiting for something like this, but time will tell how it shapes up.
We haven’t heard from kmeaw for quite some time, so i managed to get a hold of him and it seems he might bring us another interesting release that should comes in the form of CFW. No, it’s not 3.60 CFW, if you still don’t get it.
I was thinking of a CFW that has bootOS integrated so it gets executed when you power on your PS3 (and switches back to GameOS on user’s request via menu or ssh). It’s not hard to make it.
But recently I read graf’s announcment that he is going to accomplish the same task.So I don’t know, if such CFW from me would get any demand.
Also I got bootos-installer and lv2patcher patches from an anonymous hacker who have added 3.15/3.41 support. I’m going to merge them into my code and release the next version.
If you have any ideas about what would you like to have, please tell me.
There you go. If you got any ideas (other than 3.60 CFW!) you would like to forward to kmeaw, you can just leave it here. I will pick the good ones for kmeaw to look into.
In the meantime, you might want to check out graf_chokolo’s tools for dual boot PS3 Linux on ps3crunch's hosted git provided that you are not aware of those new updates and did not want to wait for the actual noob-proof CFW release from graf himself.
PS3 3.60 듀얼커펌, PS3 Kmeaw 3.55-3.60 듀얼 부트 커펌, PS3 Kmeaw 3.60-3.55 듀얼부팅 커펌, PS3 Kmeaw 3.55-3.60 Dual Boot CFW, PS3 3.60 Kmeaw PSN, PS3 3.60 커스텀펌웨어, PS3 3.60 커펌, PS3 3.60 탈옥, PS3 3.60 Jailbreak, PS3 커펌 3.60, PS3 3.56 탈옥, PS3 CFW 3.60, PS3 CFW 3.56, PS3 3.55 커펌, PS3 모드칩, PS3 다운그레이드, PS3 3.60 3.56 3.55 3.41 Downgrader, 파이널판타지아, finalfantasia.com finalfantasia.net finalfantasy.in