2011-03-15 오후 7:55:03 Hit. 10638
PS3 3.41용 커펌인 Hermes CFW 3.41 에서 사용할 수 있는 헤르메스 매니저 1.5 버전이 릴리즈 되었습니다.자료는 URL 링크에서 받으세요.
PS3 해커인 헤르메스는 이 프로그램을 마지막으로 PS3-SCENE (PS3 해킹그룹)에서 떠난다고 합니다.
소니 때문에 지오핫에 이어서 헤르메스까지 은퇴를 하는군요.[Hermes Manager 1.5 업데이트 내용]
- 캐시드 게임 기능 추가: 외장하드로부터 대용량 파일이 포함된 게임 지원 Added support to run games with VARIOUS bigfiles from external USB devices (caching the big file from the internal HDD). See details in the section "About Cached Games"- 내장하드의 dev_hdd0/game 폴더에 있는 파일들을 외장 USB의 /dev_usb00x/GAME 폴더에서도 지원 Added support to map dev_hdd0/game to /dev_usb00x/GAMEI (remmeber you it is not supported in all games)- 기타 소소한 변경 (Minor changes when list games, etc)
[지원모델]PS3 CECHC04, CECHC05 (FAT 60GB)PS3 CECHG04, CECHG05 (FAT)PS3 CECHH04, CECHH05 (FAT 40GB) PS3 CECHL04, CECHL05 (FAT 80GB)PS3 CECH2504B, CECH2505B (slim)PS3 CECH2404A, CECH2505A (slim)PS3 CECH2004A, CECH2005A (slim) PS3 CECH2004B, CECH2005B (slim)
HManager 1.0 버전에서는 UI(인터페이스)가 구린데 1.5버전에서는 개선이 되었는지 모르겠네요.아직까지는 멀티매니저가 최고인 것 같습니다.
HManager V1.5 and my latest libraries
Last edited by Hermes on 13 Mar 2011 18:55
"Well, everybody comes the day and this is my point: let not only the scene of PS3, if not disappear as EOL and Hermes user. As a last gesture, he published the source code needed to compile my latest project (HManager + PSL1GHT + + Tiny3D ps3soundlib updated) if anyone wants to continue doing the jerk in my place (which I have already done enough)
What why I'm going?. Well, because I'm tired, just fill the pitcher is as overflows, one would get the time.
So, good bye, you well and a big hug to those who really deserve it and those who do not deserve it, keep it up one day life will give you a good kick or maybe not, that's the penalty. In any case, perhaps you read, but what is involved, Hermes has written her last post here.