2008-05-27 오후 6:26:11 Hit. 64188
FREE MC BOOT 릴리즈 되엇으나 정확한용도를 모르겟습니다.덧글달아주시면 정확한 정보로 수정하겟습니다.
1시간동안연구햇는데 도저히 모르겟습니다. 제가 usb가 없어서 테스트를못합니다. 지금...옮길방법이 없네요.
ps2에서 노개조로 백업을 구동하기
위해 메모리카드에 인스톨 시키는 유틸입니다.
미국 ntsc유럽 pal 방식 적용
############################## FREE_MCBOOT_v1.2c #############################
#### First Installation procedure ####
- Insert your Memory Card in first slot. - Just launch the elf from anywhere.
For installation you need about 2mb free space on memory card. It preserves existing saves (make a backup just in case it fails). Don't make any change to your B?EXEC-SYSTEM folder. Don't make any change to your BESLES-0000 MP folder. (Until you know what you're doing)
#### Upgrade from v<=1.2b to 1.2c ####
- Format your card - Reinstall
################################ Release Notes ##############################
v1.2c As soon as v1.2c is properly installed : - Uninstall is possible. - Upgrade without need to format for future version (It preserves saves).
v1.2b - Process done entirely on the PS2 console rather than patching of MC images done on the computer. - Now the installer automatically formats the memory card. - C/DVD fix added by ffgriever - Changed boot file name and locations to BOOT on root of mc or mass.
By default it install Ule 4.12 plus with hdloader included as mc0:/BOOT/BOOT.ELF It can be replaced. The issues are fixed by the RUNME.ELF, so if it is changed, nore more fixes.
This release now boot like that, passing to another if the previous is not found(where ? is replaced by A or E depending of ps2) :
-more USB thumb drives are compatible -added folder icons, and boot folder icons (provided by JNABK)
구동영상 http://kr.youtube.com/watch?v=KRJ9pbBRIFE