2012-07-22 오후 5:56:41 Hit. 6668
ldr.ld ENTRY(_start) SECTIONS { . = 0x25800; .text : { *(.text) } .data : { *(.data) *(.rodata) } .bss : { bss = .; *(.bss) } }
types.h #ifndef _TYPES_H_ #define _TYPES_H_ typedef char s8; typedef unsigned char u8; typedef short s16; typedef unsigned short u16; typedef int s32; typedef unsigned int u32; typedef long long int s64; typedef unsigned long long int u64; #endif
start.S .text /* Loader entry. */ .global _start _start: /* Setup stack pointer. */ ila sp, 0x3DFA0 /* Well... */ brsl lr, main _hang: br _hang
main.c #include "types.h" void *_memcpy(void *dst, void *src, u32 len); void main() { //Copy eid root key/iv to shared LS. _memcpy((u8 *)0x3E000, (u8 *)0x00000, 0x30); //Hang (the PPU should copy the key/iv from shared LS now). while(1); } void *_memcpy(void *dst, void *src, u32 len) { u8 *d = (u8 *)dst; u8 *s = (u8 *)src; u32 i; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) d[i] = s[i]; return dst; }