2006-03-23 오전 9:47:19 Hit. 14547
DevHook Evolved Fastloader (v0.7) MPH v1.1 Loader For PSP
닥스로더, 패스트로더, 데브훅, MPH로더가 결합된 통합로더입니다. 이 통합로더는 4개의 로더를 각각의 폴더에 설치하는 것이 아니라 하나의 폴더에 설치하므로 메모리스틱이 지저분해지지 않습니다.
그리고 4개의 로더가 결합되어 있기 때문에 지금까지 실행이 확인된 모든 iso 파일을 지원합니다.
통합로더 내용
- daxziso no umd - mphloader no umd - fastloader no umd - dev hook no umd - (and one spare slot not yet used)
Original ReadMe:
Don't over-look this Loader just because of the name DevHook. Its compatibility is a combination of all Loaders. So ANY iSO's that work right now with: DevHook, Fastloader, UMD Emulator, MPH GameLoader, and DAX ZISO will work through Devhook Evolved.
1) Copy the DVEVOLVED folder to the root of your ms. 2) Copy the contents of the PSP/GAME folder to PSP/GAME on your ms. 3) Copy your Flash0 & Flash1 folders from the MPHGameloader folder to DVEVOLVED folder. 4) Delete all your old Loaders and folders these are no longer needed. 5) Run as normal from psp memory stick option. 6) To run compressed DAX iSO's remove the .dax extension e.g. daxter.iso.dax to just daxter.iso 7) Select the iso in devhook evolved then press circle twice. 8) Make sure MPH Loader is selected 9) Reselect the iSO in the new DAX Loader and launch without a UMD.
This will work the same for normal iSO needing the MPH Loader. For older iSO's use Fastloader or the iSO hook option. Tested with hybrid firmware.