2011-01-04 오후 6:26:49 Hit. 2482
드디어 recovery mode로 진입이 가능해졌나보군요
Recovery Menu v0.1 by KaZT.U
Plugins: to use hold.prx or screenshot.prx place them in ms0:/seplugins/e.g hold.prx = ms0:/seplugins/hold.prxe.g screenshot.prx = ms0:/seplugins/screenshot.prxmore plugins support to be added soon
ms0:/Plugins/ 에 위치
ALL CPU SPEEDS ARE working fine.
다 작동될꺼라 합니다.
if theres a bug please report to our forum link above.
KAZ wrote :
WORKS ON ALL CFW AND ALL HENS TESTED ON 5.00M33,6.20TN-B,6.20TN-A,5.50GEN,5.00M33/6xx AddonRecoveryMenuT.U is a recovery menu coded for hen nd cfw and is in eboot format.the recovery menu is coded by me alone entirely.NOTE: it still have bugs and its not finished entirly yet this is a developement thread and idea and download thread for everyoneRecoveryMenuT.U V0.1: