Geecko가 만든 벽돌 깨기 홈브류 게임인 BreakOut4PSP 입니다.
총 33레벨로 구성되있고 멀티언어를 지원한다고 합니다.
Originally Posted by Features
• Coded in C, using direct and pspgu IntraFont.
• 33 levels.
• A complete level editor.
• Moving, explosive, indestructible bricks.
• A system of switch-level innovation.
• A system of life.
• Graphics by Kavel-SS
• Language / translation management (translated into English, German, Turkish).
• The source code is available!
<업데이트 사항>
Here's the full changelog:
- Translation into German, Turkish
- Support of boost (UTF-8)
- Levels are edited automatically loaded when played
- Tabs editor change size to avoid overflow text
- Detection of level “invalid”, ie where there is no bricks to break to win
- Slight code improvement
- Joystick to move the paddle
- Votes are no longer part of translated files (always in English)
- Some new levels