2006-04-03 오전 5:38:24 Hit. 451
모든 영상 파일을 돌릴수 있게 하겠다는 PiMPStreamer V0.2가 버전 업으로 릴되었습니다.
mod와 비슷하게 사용하는듯 합니다.
DickyDick1969 has updated his popular PiMPStreamer homebrew application to V0.2. This program allows you to stream movies directly from your PC to your PSP wirelessly, using a modification of the PMP mod. New features in this release: * added a ffmpeg feature * added more buffer information * added directory browsing This release should make it a little more stable and may fix some of the problems people were having with V0.13, and more practical with the directory browsing feature.