에뮬이 아닌 하나의 홈브류로 나왔던 슈퍼미니 마리오가 3버전으로 릴되었습니다. 크게 어려운 부분이 아니므로 원문 그대로 올립니다.
File Description
Arguru has released the latest version of Super Mini Mario, a game he coded from the ground up that is compatible with all firmwares. Because this isn't a port, it's very easy to mod every aspect from this game, including character designs, sound effects, and even levels.
New features in V3:
- Added sound effects (WAV files).
- Data organised in folders (GFX, LEVELS, MUSIC and SFX).
- Added proper clipping to scrolling offset.
- Short 'invulnerality' time after mario dies (mario flashes).
- ? boxes can be destroyed (still no items implemented, sorry, too busy with other stuff).
- Each 100 coins collected mario gets extra life.
- Better "gravity" effect under water (swimming mario).
- Other minor enhancements.