2006-03-27 오전 9:34:52 Hit. 846
정말 대단합니다 ㅡㅡ 업데이트 된지 며칠이나 지났다고 다시 1.11정식버전 업한 네스터 입니다.
원문 그대로 올립니다. 양해를 , 추가로 스크린샷이 추가되었네요
그리고 문제가 되거나 하심 쪽지주세요 바로 자삭하겠습니다.
Stopping by Ruka's site, you will find that there is a new version of NesterJ available! This new version that was released today contains various changes to the NES emulator. Ruka released a beta of this version a few days ago, and now we have the release of v1.11 in our hands. There have been many changes to NesterJ with this release, and I got this rough translation: * Development environment was changed from PS2SDK to PSPSDK. * Compression of SAVE data (SRAM etc.) and STATE data (ZIP format). * Compatible file format of NNNesterJ. * Format of thumbnail file was changed from non-compression raw to PNG. * Emulation processing improvements. * Added screenshot function (it saves to the "PSP/PHOTO/NesterJ/" folder by the PNG format). * And other minor changes.