2006-03-27 오전 9:58:02 Hit. 821
최근에 올라온 PSPiano v0.16+PSP Guitar v0.2 두가지를 올려봅니다.
아시는분은 아시겠지만 제가 영어에 약해서 ;; 2.6으로는 안돌아가니 1.0이나 1.5혹은 2.0까지만 지원이 되는듯 합니다. 미디어부분에 있었기때문에 게임보다는 연주계열의 홈브류일듯 관심있는분은 받아보세요.
문제가 되시면 쪽지주세요 조치해드리겠습니다. 그럼 오늘도 즐건 psp~~
PSPiano v0.16원문: A synth sound has now been created Various fixes A simple Menu at the beginning. Script tidied up a small bit. If scale goes higher than B minor now, it will go back to C major, and vice versa. PSPiano is as it sounds, a Piano "clone" which enables you to play a few keys of the piano on your PSP.
PSP Guitar v0.2원문 :* newer, better, and more sounds * new menu, start screen with sounds * 3 new guitar types * added a normal holding mode * new contol system, high sounds down, low sounds up * multi-info page * new backgrounds * fixed PSP Tune eboot to be PSP Guitar