2006-03-29 오후 1:00:49 Hit. 570
스트리트파이터 제로 3탄을 UMD없이 실행가능하게 해주는 픽스파일입니다. 사용법은 아래 참조
This is a simple NO UMD FiX by pSyPSP: 1) Extract Street_Fighter_Alpha_3_MAX_USA_PSP-ARTiSAN iSO to a folder on your PC using iSOBuster or similar utility. 2) Outside of PSP_GAME is a UMD_DATA.BIN file, delete this. Inside of PSP_GAME are ICON0.PNG, PARAM.SFO, and PIC1.PNG so move these to the root of the SFALPHA3 folder in this package. 3) In your original PSP_GAME\SYSDIR move the UPDATE folder to SFALPHA3\SYSDIR in the pack folder. Ignore or delete the BOOT.BIN and EBOOT.BIN files remaining in the original PSP_GAME\SYSDIR folder as there is already a new BOOT.BIN and PATCHED_BOOT.BIN in the pack SFALPHA3\SYSDIR. 4) In your original PSP_GAME\USRDIR delete the dummy.bin file, and move the usa folder into the new SFALPHA3\USRDIR folder from this pack. 5) Now follow the instructions as normal from the included NFO file: Copy the 3 folders to your Memory Stick, boot RunUMD. Press X (do not hit O to extract update). Save doesnt work, but since this is a fighter we dont think it will affect your enjoyment too much. This also doesnt require a UMD in the drive. It doesnt work with other games so dont waste your time trying... Enjoy!