2006-12-18 오전 9:36:42 Hit. 8324
PSP용 치트 에디터인 PSP CWCheat 0.1.6 파이널 버전이 나왔습니다.
새로나온 DevHook 0.51x에서 사용할 수 있습니다.
사용방법 및 치트코드들은 PSP 치트코드 게시판에 있습니다.
업데이트 내용: - 윈도우용 인스톨러 추가 - 오프닝 딜레이 메뉴 추가 - 데브훅용 클럭 조절기능 추가 - cpu clock 300mhz, bus clock 150mhz 추가 - 데브훅 버전 표시
weltall's universal cheating device for DevHook 0.51+ with 3.XX firmware emulation. Cheat any PSP game through raw-relative hex codes much like Action Replay or Game Shark. An online database of cheats is available for download and constantly updated. Various installation methods are detailed inside README.txt. Changes from beta to final include: included a new installer for windows (.net) which installs automatically cwcheat and if required the database re-added the menu opening delay re-hooked clock functions to devhook added cpu clock 300mhz, bus clock 150mhz now devhook version is showed again.