2006-12-17 오후 12:08:35 Hit. 11383
Fake 판명 났습니다. 번역하느라고 헛고생했네요. =================================================== 개발자 Dark Thug가 방금 세계 최초로 TA-082 기판 전용 다운그레이더를 릴리즈 하였습니다. TA-082 기판은 소니가 다운그레이더나 모드칩 장착을 막기 위해 제조한 메인보드로 그동안 철옹성으로 여겨왔지만 오늘 뚫렸습니다.
방금 올라온 정보이기 때문에 100% 실행 되는지는 장담할 수 없습니다. TA-082 기판을 가진 PSP 2.5/2.6/2.71 전부 사용할 수 있습니다. TA-082 기판 구별 방법은 게임정보나 특집기사 게시판에서 검색하면 나옵니다. 용량이 크기 때문에 파일은 로그인 후 포인트무료에서 받을 수 있습니다. 첫번째 파일만 받으면 됩니다. 나머지는 관련 유틸. 주의사항: 다운그레이더 사용 후, PSP가 망가질 수도 있으니 주의하세요. 문제가 발생할 경우 모든 책임은 다운그레이더를 사용한 당사자에 있습니다.
사용방법(보충설명): 1. PSP(버전 2.71 TA-082 또는 2.6 TA-082)인 분들은 Dark_AleX’s Update Flasher (첨부파일)를 이용하여 미리 2.5 TA-082 로 다운그레이드 해준다. 2. O250082CnD.v120.ZIP (0okm’s 2.50 TA-082 Check & Dump) 파일을 다운로드 받아서 본인의 펌웨어를 PC에 덤프해준다. 3. 포인트 무료에서 다운그레이더를 다운로드받은 다음 PSP(버전 2.5 TA-082)를 연결한 상태에서 TA-082.exe 파일을 실행시킨다. 4. 이때 vb6 runtime 에러가 나는 사람들은 첨부파일에 있는 VB6KOR.dll 파일을 받아서 C:\windows/system32 폴더에 설치한다. 5. 옵션에서 본인의 PSP 시리얼 넘버와 PC에 덤프된 펌웨어 위치를 적어준다. (스샷 참조) 6. 다운그레이드할 버전을 선택한다. 1.5 또는 2.71 커스텀펌웨어 (스샷 참조) 7. eloader099.exe (첨부파일)을 다운로드 받아서 PSP에 설치한다음 실행시킨다. 8. UDATE 를 선택하고 기다린다. 9. PSP를 재부팅하고 O버튼을 누르면 1.5로 다운그레이드가 된다.
Created by dark_thug, this downgrader is for 2.50 TA-082 PSPs. If you are a TA-082 user with a 2.60 or 2.71 PSP, you can downgrade back to 2.50 using the DAX generic downgrader. So users of 2.50, 2.60 and 2.71 can all downgrade to 1.50… Or 2.71 SE-C!! You can choose 1.50 or SE-C. dark_thug gives a warning though: SE-C may lock-up while playing some games. The catch? On 1.50, trying to change settings menu gives a Blue Screen of Death. (Read 4a. on the instructions for a possible fix) This means you can simply not change your Video options, System settings, etc. Homebrew, USB, Music, Videos, Pictures, Games; all remain. On a brighter note, the BSoD could theoretically be fixed, using an app like X-Flash to flash a new system reg from a 1.50 user! Or, while making the dump, switch the 2.50 reg with the 1.50 reg. This is risky however. The TA-082 Boards can also be downgraded to 2.71 SE-C! The BSoD will be gone. The catch again, you may not be able to return (to 1.50). If you can, it will most likely use the same update made to downgrade from 2.50. That still has not been tested. Last thing, 0okm mentioned this before. Doesn’t matter if you choose SE-C or 1.50, you CANNOT upgrade to 2.50 or down. It will most likely brick your PSP! But you CAN upgrade to 2.60+! UPDATE: If you downgrade to SE-C, you can still go to 1.50! Simply use the TA-082 program to make a 1.50 update folder, and use SE-C’s RECOVERY Mode to run the update! ——————————– Instructions! 1. Use the DAX generic downgrader to change your ver. to 2.50 if it isnt already. 2. Downloaded the 2.50 TA-082 Check & Dump v1.20 to dump your firmware. 3. Enter your settings in the executable. Here is an example: . It will generate the downgrader. Copy the folder ‘UPDATE’ (the folder it makes) to x:/PSP/GAME EDIT: 4a. Restore your System Setting to Default. This may solve the BSoD! 5. download eLoader and put it on your PSP. Load it from the photo menu. 6. Choose ‘UPDATE’ from the eLoader menu. This wil begin the downgrader. It will patch your bootstrap to make it a 1.5. 7.Reboot your PSP AFTER it has finished COMPLETELY! You should get a blue screen. Hit O and restore your settings.
Created by dark_thug, this downgrader is for 2.50 TA-082 PSPs. If you are a TA-082 user with a 2.60 or 2.71 PSP, you can downgrade back to 2.50 using the DAX generic downgrader. So users of 2.50, 2.60 and 2.71 can all downgrade to 1.50… Or 2.71 SE-C!! You can choose 1.50 or SE-C. dark_thug gives a warning though: SE-C may lock-up while playing some games. The catch? On 1.50, trying to change settings menu gives a Blue Screen of Death. (Read 4a. on the instructions for a possible fix) This means you can simply not change your Video options, System settings, etc. Homebrew, USB, Music, Videos, Pictures, Games; all remain. On a brighter note, the BSoD could theoretically be fixed, using an app like X-Flash to flash a new system reg from a 1.50 user! Or, while making the dump, switch the 2.50 reg with the 1.50 reg. This is risky however. The TA-082 Boards can also be downgraded to 2.71 SE-C! The BSoD will be gone. The catch again, you may not be able to return (to 1.50). If you can, it will most likely use the same update made to downgrade from 2.50. That still has not been tested. Last thing, 0okm mentioned this before. Doesn’t matter if you choose SE-C or 1.50, you CANNOT upgrade to 2.50 or down. It will most likely brick your PSP! But you CAN upgrade to 2.60+! UPDATE: If you downgrade to SE-C, you can still go to 1.50! Simply use the TA-082 program to make a 1.50 update folder, and use SE-C’s RECOVERY Mode to run the update! ——————————– Instructions! 1. Use the DAX generic downgrader to change your ver. to 2.50 if it isnt already. 2. Downloaded the 2.50 TA-082 Check & Dump v1.20 to dump your firmware. 3. Enter your settings in the executable. Here is an example:
. It will generate the downgrader. Copy the folder ‘UPDATE’ (the folder it makes) to x:/PSP/GAME EDIT: 4a. Restore your System Setting to Default. This may solve the BSoD! 5. download eLoader and put it on your PSP. Load it from the photo menu. 6. Choose ‘UPDATE’ from the eLoader menu. This wil begin the downgrader. It will patch your bootstrap to make it a 1.5. 7.Reboot your PSP AFTER it has finished COMPLETELY! You should get a blue screen. Hit O and restore your settings.