2006-05-20 오후 3:30:51 Hit. 6311
추가적으로 공개한 파이널판타지 크라이시스 코어 스크린샷입니다.
약간만 공개된 상태라 게임시스템을 알수는 없지만 기대되는 게임입니다.
제작은 스퀘어 에닉스이며 장르는 액션롤플레잉 입니다.
We brought you some FF:Crisis Core screens from Square-Enix's Pre-E3 conference but somehow the ones from E3 slipped through the cracks so in case you didn't see them somewhere else (why would you see them elsewhere, PSPupdates is the only place you need to go to find PSP news, right?) we have them below, it's defiantly looking good and I'm sure Final Fantasy fans are waiting for it release August 1st.