2006-01-07 오후 1:23:20 Hit. 2218
소니는 미국 라스베가스에서 열리고 있는 ICE(International Consumer Electronics) 박람회에서 자사의 메모리칩인 메모리스틱 듀오의 4GB, 8GB 버전을 개발하고 있다고 발표하였습니다.
현재 소니에서 만든 PSP나 디카에서는 메모리칩이 4GB이상 지원되지 않으나, 차후 펌웨어 업데이트를 통해 인식이 가능하도록 만든다고 합니다.
가격이나 출시일은 구체적으로 밝히진 않았지만 2006년에는 출시하겠다고 합니다.
Sony has updated their MemoryStick Website to include their latest product unveiling at the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. Touting the way of "Gigabyte Life" as their theme, Sony announced that they plan to release 4GB and 8GB Memory Stick Pro Duo's sometime in 2006. There is no mention of price range at the moment, but you can bet it'll be pretty pricey at first. The upside to that is we can expect a price drop on the 2GB memory sticks when these products hit shelves. But as our attentive readers have pointed out in the comments, the PSP doesn't currently support any storage media exceeding 4GB, so you can expect a firmware update to be released at about the same time as these new memory sticks to accomodate for the massive storage if Sony wants PSP users to snatch up the 8GB version.