2009-10-26 오후 1:17:54 Hit. 87687
PSP-3000 (PSP 3005) 및 PSP-2000 (PSP 2005 V3 신기판) 사용자들에게 희소식이 도착했습니다.이틀 전에 PSP 커펌 v5.50 GEN-D2 버전을 릴리즈 했던 PSPGEN 팀이 이번주에 신형 PSP 3005 용 커스텀펌웨어를 공개한다고 발표했습니다.■ PSP 커스텀펌웨어 v5.03 GEN-B for HEN-B 특징- 플레이스테이션 (PS1) 게임 지원 - 프로텍트가 걸린 UMD 게임 지원 - 공식 펌웨어 v5.55 이상을 요구하는 UMD / PSP ISO 파일 지원 - GEN VSH MENU 이용 가능 - 수정된 버전의 리커버리 모드 사용 가능 ■ PSP 커펌 v5.03 GEN-B for HEN-B 스크린샷참고로 현지 시각인 2009년 10월 31일에 공개될 예정입니다.한국시간으로는 이번주 일요일입니다.■ PSP-3005 정발판 커펌 v5.03 GEN-A 사진드디어 선물로 받은 정발판 PSP 3005 버전을 강좌에 활용할 수 있게 되었습니다.아래 화이트펄 버전은 기렌자비님이 부탁하셨던 제품입니다. 펌웨어 버전이 v4.21 로 PSP 3005 버전이 처음 출시되었을 때 나온 초기 버전입니다.오프라인 매장에서는 아직도 레어제품인 A버전이 팔더군요. [원문보기]An update just went up on PSPGen's site, and in it came the announcement that the much anticipated Custom Firmware 5.03GEN for HEN-B is in the process of being finalized. Said their teaser, "You have a PSP-3000 (or PSP-2000 v3) and official firmware higher than the 5.03? This announcement will make you happy..."
This announcement enlists the features for the upcoming 5.03GEN-B for HEN (as translated by Google):
Compatibility PSP-3000 and PSP-2000 v3 with official firmware 5.03 up Play PS1 games Playing UMD / backup protected against a Custom Firmware Playing UMD / PSP game backups and 5.55. GEN VSH MENU available Recovery in revised version available If there may be contentions as to what the changelog actually does say, here is the original text from PSPGen's site:
Compatibilité PSP-3000 et PSP-2000 v3 avec un firmware officiel 5.03 au maximumLecture des jeux PS1Lecture des UMD/backup protégés contre un Custom FirmwareLecture des UMD/backups de jeux PSP 5.55 et plus.GEN VSH MENU disponibleRecovery in VSH disponible en version corrigée
Okay, guys! We don't want to parade false hopes around here. If there's anyone who can faithfully translate that changelog and clear up the confusion as to whether or not they meant "5.03 and up" or "up to 5.03", then by all means, the floor's open.
Now, the team also says that the performance has been impressive, and their tests have yielded no issues thus far. Right now, they're going back into beta test drive, and hopefully, it'll be done in one week or less.
You've now got a new date to look forward to, you brewers! October 31, 2009, Saturday, is their target date for release. What a cool Halloween treat, eh? We'll be sure to update you on this. PS.커펌 v5.03 GEN-B 버전은 v5.03 GEN HEN-A 버전이 설치된 PSP에서만 사용할 수 있습니다.