2005-12-17 오후 3:50:41 Hit. 2026
PSP 해킹 그룹인 SonyXTeam은 오늘 다운그레이더 베타버전을 내놓았습니다.
이 다운그레이더는 Yoshihiro씨의 해킹 기술을 기반으로 만든 것으로 그동안 다운그레이드가 되지 않았던 PSP-1006 (홍콩판)과 PSP-1007 (대만판)을 위한 버전입니다.
즉 정발판, 일본판 등에서는 사용할 수가 없습니다. 따라서 사용법도 해석을 안했습니다.
홍콩판 PSP를 가지고 계신 분만 한번 테스트해 보시길 바랍니다. 참고로 이 다운그레이더의 파일용량은 27MB입니다. 용량이 매우 크기 때문에 게시판에는 올리지 않고 PSP 자료실에만 올리겠습니다.
사용법 Yoshihiro and SXT are proud to bring you
The first downgrader compatible with the psp-1006 and psp-1007 hardware !
Release Note: This is still a BETA version as it remains untested as we speak It might brick your psp so be extreamly careful !!
How does it work ? It's the mix of the SXT downgrader with the old WAB beta downgrader (created by yoshihiro) We wont explain more as we don't want other groups to copy our work.
What do you need:
- 2 Memory sticks - A PSP - A brain
how to use it:
Use the SXT downgrader V1.0 supplied in the package, follow the instructions in the readme.txt file.
Then put the content of the "MemoryStick1" folder into the first memory stick and the content of the "MemoryStick2" folder into the second memory stick put the first memory stick in your psp, then start the eboot (in the game menu) and right after the PSP white screen (the one played by gameboot.pmf where it's written "Playstation Portable") and before the screen gets dark, you need to put the psp into sleep mode, (trigger the power button 3 times should do the job) Then take your time to swap the first memory stick with the second one and wake up the psp triggering the power button once You will end up to the psp 1.50 Update screen !! (even on psp-1006 and psp-1007)
That's the part that's been tested so far.
Now all remains for you to follow the update instructions until the end and restore your flash 1 using the O button after having rebooted (That's what's not tested)
Take note that we aren't respionsible for any missuse of the current supplied files, and not responsible either for bricking your psp if that would occur...
We hope to have feedbacks from you soon
Enjoy !