2005-11-29 오후 10:14:33 Hit. 2300
SCE는 오늘날짜로 PSP의 새로운 펌웨어 2.6을 공개하였습니다. 이번 버전의 가장 큰 특징은 WMA 동영상 파일과 스트리밍 서비스를 지원한다는 것입니다.
한가지 좋은 소식은 PSP 펌웨어2.0에서 적용되었던 버퍼오버플로우 버그가 2.6에서도 적용된다고 합니다.
업데이트 내용
- RSS 채널 서비스 추가 - 인터넷 브라우저에 중국어간체 (GB18030),[Traditional Chinese(Big5)] 추가 - LocationFree™ 플레이어에서 볼륨 조정 기능 추가 - 저작권이 보호된 스트리밍 동영상 다운로드 및 재생 - WMV 동영상 파일 재생 The new firmware is OUT. Could a security patch be embedded? Who knows! Try network update on your PSP to see it. Looks like another 'silent' release from our buddies down at Sony! Reports coming in that it supports WMA. RSS feeds are now on the network menu. Both have possible exploitation capabilities. Here are the new improvements as shown on the PSP: -(RSS Channel) has been added as a feature under (Network). -(Simplified Chinese(gb18030)) and (Traditional Chinese (big 5)) have been added as options to (Encoding) under (View) in the (Internet browser) menu bar. -Characters may be indistinct in some cases when these encoding options are selected. -(Volume ajustment) has been aded as a feature to (Location free player). -You can now download video data that supports copyright protection using the (internet browser). -WMA had been added as a codec that can be played under (Music)(This applies to music saved on the memory stick). Note that you must adjust a system setting to enable playback of WMA format music data, a connection to the internet is required to adjust the setting. Reports of streaming music through RSS feeds are coming in. More exploitation capabilities? Streaming video has also now been reported.