2008-11-19 오후 9:06:47 Hit. 36708
사진설명: 신형 PSP-2000/구형 PSP-1000번용 툴배터리 판매예정인 신형 PSP-3000번용 툴배터리
오랜만에 올리는 해킹 소식입니다.
액션리플레이(액플) 개발사로 알려진 영국의 Datel (다텔)사에서 신형 PSP-3000번 모델을 위한 툴배터리(판도라배터리)를 개발하였다고 합니다..
사실 판도라 배터리는 작년에 Noobz팀에서 개발하여 무료로 배포한 것인데, 다텔이 상용화시켜서 욕을 무진장 먹고 있죠. 이제 여러분은 다텔에서 만든 툴배터리를 이용하여 신형 PSP-3000에서 보다 많은 작업들을 할 수 있습니다.
다텔에 근무하는 엔지니어들이 신형PSP를 분해해서 회로를 분석하였고, 드디어 신형 PSP에서도 사용할 수 있는 툴배터리를 개발하였습니다.
가격은 29.99달러에 판매될 예정이라고 합니다.
그러나 Dark-Alex 포럼의 운영자는 다크알렉스가 신형기판(TA88v3)은 절대로 해킹할 수 없다고 한 근거를 토대로 이 소식은 루머에 불과하다고 반박을 하였습니다.
과연 신형 PSP-3000번에서도 사용할 수 있는 판도라배터리가 출시가 될런지... 기다려 봅시다. PSP-3000용 툴배터리가 나오는대로 커펌이 가능한 구형PSP-2000 시리즈의 가격은 폭락을 할 것입니다. [원문기사]
Wow, what a breakthrough. Datel managed to create an all new "Tool Battery" that will put the PSP 3000 (or 2000 if you choose) into service mode. Ya gotta give em' credit as they've put a LOT of work into this. "Although there were early indications that the PSP3000 had embedded Service Mode capability, it was clear that silicon level investigation would be required to understand the new mechanism" said Datel. "Once the target IC had been identified, our engineers then de-capsulated the device and prepared it for hi-resolution SEM imaging" Although I still own and love my PSP 1000 (Phat), if I ever need to upgrade my hardware, I'll have no problem doing so. Thanks Datel! Oh yeah, the battery will run ya $29.99 USD.
[반박글] About new D@tel Battery You might have seen a new Battery that has come into the market, as always with a price and with a good advertising program... Well, this post is just to answer some mails that I've received. 1. To have a LED indicator ON, doesn't means that you can install cfw or hack anything. Remember 088v3 mobos? Right. 2. It's spreading like a timebomb that it can be hacked and so on. Well, what any user can see is an interesting campaign to promote an article that is not yet released. It would be interesting to see.. how about an old "hello world" like on Noobz time, instead of a "buy today" call? 3. Just to remember all this things up, LED indicator ON and nothing on screen means directly what Dark_AleX explained about the preIPL. Would be an interesting step, indeed, in case that the protection on 3k would be sort of a signal encryption or a change of protocol instead of just a change of the battery pin communication system; so, until more proofs come into play, I would not definitely go in a rush to buy it xD.