2007-09-11 오전 8:40:23 Hit. 37125
신형 PSP (PSP-2005, PSP-2000)에서 사용할 수 있는 Custom Firmware 3.60 M33 버전이 릴리즈 되었습니다.
슬림 PSP용 커펌을 제작하려면 PSP 구버전(1.5 또는 커펌)과 판도라배터리가 필요합니다. 그러나 메모리스틱에 커펌을 한번 만들어 놓으면 모든 신형 PSP Slim 에서 사용할 수 있습니다.
3.60 M33 커펌은 기존에 나온 3.52 M33 버전의 모든 기능을 포함하고 있으나, 1.5 커널을 사용할 수 없다고 합니다. 따라서 구버전을 가지고 있는 사람들은 이번에 나온 커펌을 설치할 필요가 없습니다.
관련 자료 다운로드: 3.60 M33 (for PSP Slim) Pandora’s Battery 3.40 FW EBOOT | 3.50 FW EBOOT
커펌 자료에 패스워드가 걸려 있습니다. 패스워드는 아래.. 3.60 M33 RAR password: _I_LOVE_M33_Slim_Conquered
- source: Team M33
커펌 설치 전 펌웨어는 3.60
커펌 설치 후 펌웨어는 3.60 M33
▒ 설치방법 ▒
▼ 먼저 [PSP v1.50 또는 커펌이 설치된 PSP 준비]
① Pandora's Battery 가 적용된 메모리 스틱과 배터리를 준비하고 커펌 v3.60 M33 (for PSP Slim) 폴더 안에 있는 프로그램들을 아래 경로에 복사합니다.
PSP v1.50인 경우 ms0:/PSP/GAME/ 커펌인 설치된 경우 ms0:/PSP/GAME150/
② 펌웨어 v3.50 과 v3.40 의 EBOOT.PBP 를 각각 350.PBP ·340.PBP 로 이름을 바꾼다음 ms0:/PSP/GAME/pandora_slim 에 복사합니다.
③ PSP를 켜고, GAME -> Pandora Ext. for Slim 3.60 M33 Installer 를 실행시킵니다.
④ 작업이 끝나면 메모리 스틱을 뺍니다.
▼[ 신형 PSP-2005 또는 PSP-2000 에서 작업]
① 위에서 작업한 메모리스틱을 넣습니다.
② Pandora's Battery 를 장착합니다. (아래 사진 참고)
③ 그러면 전원은 들어가지만, 화면은 까맣게 되어 있습니다. *주의*
④ X버튼을 누릅니다. 다른 버튼은 절대로 누르지 마세요. 그리고 커스텀펌웨어 3.60M33 을 인스톨 합니다. 이 작업은 시간이 걸리고 작업도중에 메모리스틱에서 불이 깜빡거립니다. 작업이 끝나면 자동으로 전원이 꺼집니다. ⑤ 전원을 다시 켜면 커스텀펌웨어 3.60 M33 로 바뀝니다.
▒ 부가기능 ▒
⑥ L 버튼 + R 버튼 + △버튼 을 누르면, 커펌에서 PSP 펌웨어 v3.60 로 돌아갑니다. ⑦ □ 버튼을 누르면 PSP-2005의 낸드플래시를 추출합니다. 이 파일의 크기는 66MB 정도 됩니다. 만의 스페이스가 메모리 스틱에 필요 [원문]
We are proud to present the first custom firmware for the PSP Slim, and the first custom firmware that runs using a 3.XX IPL (3.60) 3.60 M33 for PSP Slim has all the features of 3.52 M33, except the 1.50 kernel support, as that kernel doesn't work properly on psp slim (hardware problems, screen problems). 3.60 M33 will load homebrew from GAME, GAME150 and GAME360 directories, but all will be executed with 3.60 kernel. This mean that some homebrews done specifically for the 1.50 kernel cannot work on 3.60 M33. However, the adaptation of code to 2.XX+ kernels is not difficult, and homebrew developers can port their aplications to work in these firmwares. Included with the release is the M33 sdk for programmers. Instalation: The instalation is done using pandora battery and requires a fat psp with 1.50 or custom firmware with 1.50 support to run a installer. However once the memory stick installation is done, you can use it in whatever psp slim without repeating the process again. We want to thank C+D Team for having created Pandora and having opened the path to custom ipl's, without which this cfw wouldn't exist. Steps: - Create a pandora battery and a pandora memory stick using the C+D team tools. - Run the fat psp with the pandora memory stick inserted, but with a normal battery. Copy the directories pandora_slim and pandora_slim% to PSP/GAME or PSP/GAME150. - Download official sony firmwares 3.40 and 3.50, and put them in pandora_slim directory with names 340.PBP and 350.PBP. To avoid confussion: These firmwares are used ONLY to extend the memory stick pandora kernel. NOTHING FROM THOSE FIRMWARES WILL EVER BE FLASHED ON THE SLIM. - Run the program. It will quickly extract some prx's overwrting some of the pandora memory stick. - Insert the pandora battery and the memory stick in the psp slim. It will boot. You won't see anything on the screen, because that kernel doesn't support the slim screen, but it is OK, you don't need a screen for the installation of 3.60 M33. From here, you have 3 options: - Press X to install M33. The process will last just few seconds, since the installer only needs to install the M33 custom prx's and IPL. After the process is finished, the installer will shutdown the psp automatically. - Press L+R+triangle to uninstall M33 and go back to original 3.60. Note: this can't unbrick a psp slim, it will just remove M33 ipl. There is currently no unbricker for the psp slim, but we plan on doing one in the future. After uninstallation, psp will be shutdown automatically. - Press square to dump the PSP Slim nand. Watch out: you need 66 MB of free space in the memory stick for this, otherwise your memory stick may end corrupted. This option uses the team C+D nand dumper. When the memory stick orange led stops blinking, the process will have finished, and you can either shutdown the psp, or use one of the two previous options. F.A.Q Q: My homebrew doesn't work. A: as stated above, not all homebrews work due to 1.50 kernel missing. Wait for the programmer of that homebrew to port it to new kernels. Q: How can i unbrick the PSP Slim? A: if you have a semi-brick, you can restore it using recovery and flashing the corrupted files with usb flash. There is no real unbricker for PSP Slim yet, but we plan of doing one in the future using C+D Pandora Battery. Q: is M33 gonna make a 3.60 cfw for the fat psp's? A: The firmware as it is flashed in the slim psp's is only for psp slims. Whenever sony releases an updater, we'll support both, fat and slim psp's, but we are not gonna make a custom firmware using 3.60 slim dump, because it is not done for the fat psp. Stop listening stupid rumors of kids: we are 103% sure that Sony will continue releasing firmware updates for all psp's. Moreover, the 3.60 firmware was done before 3.52: the pops, for example, is a clone of the one of 3.50/3.51 So it has nothing new for fat psp's.