2006-08-21 오후 6:53:34 Hit. 22333
Ir Shell 2.0 입니다.
영어를 잘못해서 간단한 특징을 적겠습니다.
MP3를 듣거나 공략을 보거나 하면서
동시에 홈브류나 게임을 즐길 수 있는 Ir Shell의 최신버전입니다.
이번버전에서는 PSP 펌웨어의 아이콘을 바탕으로 만들었고
데브훅을 지원한다고 합니다.
아래는 원본 입니다.
Version 2.0 Updates: 1. Introduce a new icon based menu system. Special thanks to Terdinglage for designing the graphical icons for the menu system. 2. The nethostfs has been enhanced to support domain name in addition to IP address which means you can now access your home PC with a domain name, such as myhomenet.com via WiFi hotspots. In order to avoid unauthorized access to your PCs, a challenge/response protection has been added for nethost access. You can optionally assign a password/key to your nethost server for a secure access. 3. Support launching of devhook directly from iR Shell. 4. Added Adhoc WiFi support for nethostfs access. This will be useful when you don't have an access point, or want to connect your PSP to a notebook computer at work. To use Adhoc WiFi support, refer to the user guide for details. 5. Added support to allow Infrastructure WiFi homebrew applications to connect to a PC via adhoc without having an access point. To enable this support, turn on the option "Allow Adhoc PC Connection for Homebrew". Pls turn off this option to use normal adhoc gaming features.
PS:해외 포럼에서 본것인데 PC에서 데이터를 읽는것에 약간의 버그가 있다는것 같습니다. PS2:아직은 ISO파일을 지원하지 않습니다.