2006-05-18 오전 11:00:58 Hit. 2643
NeoGeo CDZ 0.4 Beta버전 입니다.
오랜만에 업데이트 됐네요 정식 버전이 아니지만 다시 활동을 시작하는듯 합니다.
밑의 파일은 Commant.dat 파일이니 추가해서 사용하세요
The NeoGeo CDZ Emulator for PSP has been updated. Included in this latest version (0.4) are a bunch of new features. Plus, there's a few upcoming features which have been mentioned about. I'm sure it'll be done in one of the next releases. Changelog for v0.4: * Font data size reduced * Japanese language font created * Font for the command list created * Fixed the anti-alias processing for fonts Multiplayer currently doesn't work since the author doesn't have a second PSP to test it. Command list and simple text display function will be included in one of the upcoming releases. For now, have fun with the latest NeoGeo Emulator.