2006-04-13 오전 10:39:01 Hit. 4683
MPH팀은 펌웨어 1.5에서 GTA UMD를 실행시켜주는 게임로더 1.1의 소스파일을 공개하였습니다.
많은 아마츄어 개발자들이 이 소스를 보고 프로그램 개발에 도움이 되길 바란다고 합니다.
Legendary PSP programmer MPH has released the source code for his Game Loader v1.1. MPH's game Loader today. MPH's game loader was the first homebrew application that allowed 1.5 PSPs to run Grand Theft Auto:Liberty City stories from the UMD, getting rid of the need to have 2.0+ firmware to run GTA. The source code will allow other PSP coders to build on what MPH has done, or see how it works. Good news for anyone working on getting other games that require 2.0+ to run on 1.5.