2006-02-16 오전 8:09:43 Hit. 9209
PSP용 N64 (닌텐도64)에뮬레이터 정식버전 곧 공개 얼마 전에 공개했던 Nincest 64 데모판의 정식명칭이 결정되었습니다. 정식명칭은 개발자의 닉네임을 따 몽키64 (Monkey 64)로 결정되었고, PC용 에뮬레이터로 유명한 1964 의 소스를 참고하여 한층 더 업그레이드 중이라고 합니다. 현재 프레임의 속도는 지난번에 1프레임에 비해 평균 5~7 프레임까지 나옵니다. (CPU 222 기준) 위의 사진에 있는 프레임 수치는 데모판이었을 때입니다. 개발자에 말에 따르면 몇가지 버그 등을 고친다음 이번달 내에 실행가능한 정식버전을 내놓겠다고 합니다. 아래는 개발자 코멘트 God bless my gf and her taking over the pc for 20 mins. If not for her I would have not tested out all the PD roms I have on my PSP. Thanks to this I now have 2 count that, 2 brand new demos up and running. They are liners & 1964. Both would actualy progress furter if not for the lack of input/pif emulation. Tomorrow I plan to test more PD roms and see if others work. At the moment everything else causes the psp to lock up somewhere (and roughly near each other). So hopefuly I can debug and fix this soon. Anyways great news & enjoy the screenshots (see comment section)!!!
God bless my gf and her taking over the pc for 20 mins. If not for her I would have not tested out all the PD roms I have on my PSP. Thanks to this I now have 2 count that, 2 brand new demos up and running. They are liners & 1964. Both would actualy progress furter if not for the lack of input/pif emulation.
Tomorrow I plan to test more PD roms and see if others work. At the moment everything else causes the psp to lock up somewhere (and roughly near each other). So hopefuly I can debug and fix this soon.
Anyways great news & enjoy the screenshots (see comment section)!!!
P.S. The Framerate is around 5.0-7.4 fps. A vast improvement over the previous 1.8 fps i was getting on fire demo.