2006-01-15 오후 4:21:39 Hit. 3017
펌웨어 2.01/2.5/2.6용 세번째 Homebrew 게임이 릴리즈 되었습니다. 제목은 스네이크맨으로 팩맨과 스네이크를 조합한 게임입니다. 사용법은 제가 유저강좌에 올린 GTA Homebrew 사용법을 참고하세요.
Snakman is a hybrid of Snake and Pacman. The goal is to eat as many gray blocks as you can without getting hit by the red and orange balls. The game is simple, yet addicting, like so many of the classic games of the past (read: snake, pacman, tetris, lumines, etc). The game was created by me (based off of the Snake game by Shine). To Do [ 0.2 ] Switch over to the GPU [ 0.2 ] Background Music [ 0.2 ] Sound Effects [ 0.2 ] High Score "Encryption" [ 0.3 ] Better Game Over Sequence [ 0.3 ] Start Game Menu [ 0.3 ] Polish In-Game Graphics (Sprites) [ ] Implement Varying Difficulty Levels [ ] Options Menu [ ] Overclocking Toggle (If Needed) [ ] Diagonal Movements [ ] Do Software Rotation of Character [ ] Take Community Input and Add Features Changelog v0.3b Added support for firmwares 2.00-2.60 using Fanjita's GTA DevKit Exploit.
Snakman is a hybrid of Snake and Pacman. The goal is to eat as many gray blocks as you can without getting hit by the red and orange balls. The game is simple, yet addicting, like so many of the classic games of the past (read: snake, pacman, tetris, lumines, etc). The game was created by me (based off of the Snake game by Shine). To Do [ 0.2 ] Switch over to the GPU [ 0.2 ] Background Music [ 0.2 ] Sound Effects [ 0.2 ] High Score "Encryption" [ 0.3 ] Better Game Over Sequence [ 0.3 ] Start Game Menu [ 0.3 ] Polish In-Game Graphics (Sprites) [ ] Implement Varying Difficulty Levels [ ] Options Menu [ ] Overclocking Toggle (If Needed) [ ] Diagonal Movements [ ] Do Software Rotation of Character [ ] Take Community Input and Add Features
Changelog v0.3b Added support for firmwares 2.00-2.60 using Fanjita's GTA DevKit Exploit.