2006-01-16 오전 9:07:46 Hit. 3015
빠르게 업데이트되는 네오지오시디 에뮬레이터 0.71 버전이 릴리즈되었습니다. 이번 버전에서는 배경음악이 깨지거나 일부 게임을 실행하는 중 다운되는 현상 등 상당히 많은 버그들을 수정하였습니다.
Zelurker has been busy! He has released v0.7 and v0.7.1 of NeoCD PSP, the Neo CD emulator for the PSP. The v0.7.1 release was just a small bug fix to the v0.7 version that caused several games to crash. Due to prompt error reporting, this issue was identified and resolved in a matter of hours. The big list of changes came with the v0.7 release, and there were a LOT of changes. Check them out:
Less bugs, better sound quality, a few little additions, and a loooong list of changes :